It's My Pad......


Busy Busy....

We had such a busy weekend! Saturday evening we went to the neighborhood cookout. Now that was fun! Kev took the kids home around 9 or so and I stayed till about midnight. We were all saying we should do this every month!lol Sunday was church, then I went to a "purse party". Kev went over a friend's house later and I took the kids to visit with the inlaws. We went to the playground next to their place and played for about an hour. We all got home about 8 and the kids got their baths and then Kev and I settled in to watch "Cheaper by the dozen 2". It was better than I had anticipated. Tonight we'll be watching "War of the worlds". Oh yeah! Also on Saturday I went and got my hair cut. It was really long and I always just wore a ponytail to get it out of my face. Well now it just touches my shoulders and is layered AND I got some highlights. I really really like it though! It's a big change. So anyway, not much else happening. I have laundry to fold and put away and I need to thaw something for dinner! Have a great Monday!

This is a pic of the cookout on my camera phone, yes I know it SUCKS!!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Renee at 8:10 AM



at 9:31 AM Blogger Cady said...

we watched cheaper by the dozen 2 last night too. i liked it a lot. it was much better than i thought it would be.

and yes, post some hair pics!!


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