It's My Pad......


Britney, Britney, Britney!

What happened to her?!

Britney Spears did an interview with Matt Lauer on Dateline last night. Yes I was sucked in and watched it! I thought she would redeem herself and let us know what she was "really thinking". She just came off as blaming everyone but herself and she sounded just dumb. She was wearing horrible clothes and was chomping on gum. Her hair looked like she didn't really even brush it. I do have to say I kinda felt sorry for her when she was crying. I mean it is hard being a parent. Now of course I would never not buckle my kids in but when they mentioned her almost falling, well that was silly. Accidents happen. When Brenden was a baby I smacked his head on my headboard when I was going to sit and nurse him. He cried for a couple seconds and was fine. I felt worse than he did I think! She doesn't like all the limelight on her and her family. Well I hardley see anything about Katie Holmes. Take some lessons from her. Oh wait, Tom Cruise may have her locked away somewhere! I was just disappointed in her. I thought I'd see it and start liking her but nope didn't happen. Oh well, she's just a celebrity. Her life will go on whether I like her or not!

Did anyone see Matt's shoes? He had on no socks! YUCK YUCK. Can we say toe cheese?!
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Renee at 9:07 AM



at 10:04 AM Blogger Kurt said...

People just can't accept that trailer trash like Britney can become rich and famous too.

Wake up, people! You don't have to be born of unrelated parents or have complete left-right brain integration to dance and sing like an angel!

at 10:11 AM Blogger Brandi1977 said...

She didn't look her best but I do think that people need to leave her and her husband alone. I damn sure wouldn't want every detail of my life with my husband and every mistake I have made with my kid in the paper every damn day. Girl the girl a break!

at 11:22 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is WHITE TRASH... plain and simple... Just look @ the outfit... "Let's see, I am about to be interviewed on national TV... Where is that denim skirt that is WAY too short for my chubby, pregnant body.... Oh, THERE IT IS!"

Wonder where her equally trashy husband was during all of this?


at 2:57 PM Blogger Judy said...

While I agree that everyone just needs to leave her and Kevin alone and let them do whatever it is that they do, I would hope that she would have enough sense NOT TO WEAR WHAT SHE DID TO A TELEVISED INTERVIEW! Hello, yes, i know you are preggers again and all, but put the sisters back where they belong - Matt didn't need his eye poked out! And, I know that hormones can mess with all sorts of things when you are pregnant, but DO SOMETHING WITH THAT HAIR COLOR!

For as much money as she should have, she sure doesn't dress with much class or sophistication. But, then again, I guess you can't buy those things.

at 10:13 PM Blogger gina said...

damn bloggers. such hostility. i didnt see the interview but wish i had. i tend to side with the "victims" so i probably disagree with most of what everyone here has said.

at 4:27 AM Blogger Renee said...

Gina, You really should see the interview. I felt bad for her before I saw it but after I saw the interview that feeling bad for her flew out the window!

at 8:48 AM Blogger gina said...

maybe they will highlight segments on ET! lol i love that show.

at 7:51 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw just a couple of minutes of it and turned it off. I am not a big Brittney fan so I wasn't interested, but I am sick of hearing about her and her bad parenting choices. I think the press just needs someone to pick on and she happens to be the flavor of the month/year. Oh, and if I looked that good pregnant or even NOT pregnant, I would be wearing those clothes too! LOL

at 8:25 AM Blogger Cady said...

joe taped the last part of the interview before another show i wanted to watch. she looked awful. couldn't we dress up just a little to go on national tv? and you're right...the no socks look on matt lauer just doesn't work. :)

at 10:50 AM Blogger Unknown said...

yeah when she was sitting in front of matt I kept thinking her boobs were just gonna pop right out in his lap. Wonder if he was thinking that lol

at 12:42 PM Blogger Sadi said...

lol sorry i missed it! She is very trashy but feel bad that people are so mean to her now.

at 2:18 PM Blogger amynoroom said...

I watched the interview, sucked in just like you.

I think she looked really like poor white trash...boobs hanging out, short shorts and chomping on gum. How tacky.

I felt really bad for her when she started crying. I can understand her not wanting so much publicity. I'm gonna make an effort to try and give the girl a break for now on. ;-)


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