Man, this week went by really fast!! Yesterday the kid's were driving me batty(maybe it was my PMS) but I had to get out for a bit. When Kev got home I called my friend Karen and we took off to Target. I had to get some stuff so it was the perfect place. They also have a Starbucks inside so I just LURVE it! I needed a new Curling Iron. The other one I had since I was 18! It sure lasted a long time! I grabbed a few other little things as well. In their $1 section they had Napoleon Dynamite stuff. That movie is so funny. One of the magnet's says "I like your sleeves, They're real big". Is that flippin sweet or what?! I just love Target.Yes, It is a sick obsession! So I need to go pull out the pork loin to thaw for dinner. I'm gonna grill that sucker! Have a great FRIDAY!!!*I know other's don't feel the same about Target but please don't burst my bubble!!*
Took this with my camera phone while waiting in Starbucks, yes I am a dorkus!!
Renee at 10:42 AM
- at 11:13 AM gina said...
Kim loves napolean dynamite. i picked her up a little something but dont tell her. hahahah.
glad you had fun at target. i love that store.- at 11:17 AM said...
I love Target too :)
- at 11:18 AM Kurt said...
I heart Target.
- at 11:58 AM Manda said...
I love Target, and Starbucks. What I wouldn't give for a frappachino right now....lol. No new post in me yet....lol. I will keep ya posted!
- at 1:26 PM RWB said...
Target is great, what do you think!? GOSH! Your Target has a Starbucks?!?! Lucky!..Napoleon Dynamite is Flippin’ Sweet!
- at 4:18 PM Judy said...
Girl, if anyone is dissin' Target, just don't listen to them! Come hang out with me and we'll shop Targets from here until tomorrow or until we drop!
- at 8:15 PM Kurt said...
I just got back from Target.
- at 8:19 PM Renee said...
Kurt, I think I love you!
- at 1:03 AM Scarlett O'Hara said...
LOL...I love Super WalMart! LOL...hubby is tired of me going there every weekend! tee hee....but they have great food that I can't find at my local Raleys! LOL....
Your camera phone takes pretty good pics! We just got new T-Mobile phones...super slim with cameras...pretty weird to take a pic with a phone! LOL