It's My Pad......



Well that was a busy weekend! Yesterday we had church in the morning. Got home to let Claire nap and was gone at 2:30 to get to the cookout. We stopped on the way and got a 6 pack to take along. There were about 15 of us there. We had a really good time. I had a couple Margarita's which were REALLY good but gave me a banging headache. We got home after 6. I eventually had to go lay down since my headache got so bad. Kevin gave the kids a bath and they were in bed at 7 and 7:30. I know they were tired from going so much this weekend. Kev and I went to sleep about 9. That is the earliest we have been to bed in ages. So it was a good weekend, apart from the headache! This morning I have gotten some laundry done and the beds are made etc... I need to figure out what I want to cook for dinner so I can get something thawed. So that's me!

Oh and to the person in Conyers, Ga. that keeps finding me through blogger by putting in Renee Brenden, I think it would be much easier and faster to put me on your favs!;-) Drop in and say Hi sometimes too!:-)

Renee at 9:42 AM



at 12:22 PM Blogger Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a good weekend complete with margaritas. :)

at 3:39 PM Blogger Kurt said...

How about chicken?

at 4:56 PM Blogger Manda said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Much better then

at 5:19 PM Blogger Judy said...

Wow you guys were BUSY today!

Doing VBS this week - I will be sooooo glad to get to Friday afternoon!

at 5:56 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »


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