So yesterday was a good day. I took the kids out to the park to play and we then went to a local petting zoo. The kids loved it but god the smell just about killed me! YUCK!lol So it was fun and I actually made dinner last night. My throat is sore on the left side now. I feel like I am falling apart!! Maybe it's just allergies. The headaches are pretty much gone so that's good. I just have achy shoulders and neck now. Hmmmmmmm
Last night Kevin and I watched "Failure to Launch". It wasn't as bad as I expected. How can it be though when you have a Matthew McConaughey in it. He's not my fav actor but he has a hot body and the accent makes me melt! I was having Kevin call me "darlin" in his best southern drawel but he doesn't have it. He's a true Californian!lol This morning he is gone to look at a car for a friend from our church. Hopefully he will be home by lunch so we can go do something fun!:-) Hope you all have a great weekend too!:-)
Renee at 10:49 AM
- at 11:29 AM Laurie said...
I love Matthew McConaughey. The problem with southern drawls when you live here in the south is that I really don't hear them unless they're so thick that they're actually a little annoying. On screen though, Matthew is like butt-ah!
- at 12:40 PM Elizabeth said...
I love him but she annoys me so I am not sure how I will feel about this flick. It is way up on my Netflix list so I should know soon enough.
- at 1:02 PM gina said...
what do you mean, it wasnt as bad as you thought it would be? lol.
i love m mc and sjp!- at 1:46 PM Kurt said...
His arms are luscious!
- at 8:10 AM Cady said...
i love matthew mcconaughey! we watched it last night, but i didn't think it was as good as i expected.
- at 1:03 PM Judy said...
Me likey the Mr. Mac!
- at 7:38 PM Karima said...
I heart Mathew - I would have watched "gigli" if he was in it.
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