It's My Pad......


Headache, headache go AWAY!!

So I have had headaches off and on all week. I got another bad one last night. It's just not like me. I am one to never get headaches and now I am getting them. I woke up with a slight one this morning. Hopefully it won't get any worse through the day. UGHHH

Yesterday I took the kids to the park to play and feed the ducks. They were pretty excited about that. On the way home I called the inlaws to see about visiting for a little while. We al decided togo get something to eat so off we went for a late lunch. It was good and noce to spend time with them. Not long after I got home did the headache start really kicking in. Kevin got home and I went to bed. I felt better laying there but everytime I went to stand up my head would just start throbbing. Not a nice feeling in the least! If it comes back today like that then I think I may call the doc. Ok, time to go make some JAVA! :-)

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Renee at 8:24 AM



at 11:34 AM Blogger It's a Fantastic Life said...

Aww:( I hope your headache goes away!

at 2:39 PM Blogger Judy said...

Feel better soon!

at 3:22 PM Blogger Kurt said...

I've had headaches too for the last three days, and I never get headaches.

at 4:07 PM Blogger Cindy said...

Awww, feel better sweetie!

at 10:05 PM Blogger gina said...

allergies? feel better.


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