Holy Crap!
Well I'm up now! About 15 minutes ago our smoke alarm in the upstairs landing started BLARING! Kevin and I jumped about 2 feet out of bed. I ran straight for the kids room's and kev was turning on lights. It was a false alarm. All the FA's are hard wired and he thinks dust or maybe a spider went across it. Scared the hell out of me! It also made me realize we need to wear more to bed! I was thinking gosh what if I had had to run outside in what I have on. Our neighbors would have really gotten an eye full!Renee at 5:09 AM
- at 8:23 AM Judy said...
Sorry for the early wake up call at your house - yeah, a fire alarm going off would not make for a modest viewing around here - too hot to sleep in much of anything, so I certainly hope we don't end up with the same scenario here!
Glad it was a false alarm!- at 8:31 AM Me said...
Ack! This started to happen at one of our past homes. It was also hard wired, so it's not like you can just take the battery out. LOL.
It went off about 3-4 times a week for NO REASON at all and then suddenly stopped. Grrr. LOL.- at 9:06 AM Michael said...
What a way to wake up!
Tkae Care
Michael- at 9:30 AM Karima said...
That happened to me once - neighbor's house was on fire. I ran out in what I was wearing to a street full of neighbors and firemen. I have since retired those foot pajamas.
- at 3:51 PM Sadi said...
lol funny about the pjs not funny about the smoke alarm...that happened to us once false alarm but we were all outside in our sleep clothes with the cat! Glad it was a false alarm!!