It's My Pad......


I'm still alive!

Good grief! I had no idea it has been so long since I posted!! Things are going fine here. I just turned 30 in Feb, had a fun night out and am not too freaked out by my age! :D The kids are doing great. Brenden is just doing so fantastic in 1st grade. He is too smart for his own good! Claire is just as busy as ever. She will be 4 in May! Can you believe that! She is all signed up for Preschool next year. Kevin is doing great. He just got back from Chicago last week for a work thing. He lost a good friend in Feb so that was rough. Only 34 yrs old. Life can be just too damn short! :( We also lost our dog Shultzie in January. I cried I know for 2 weeks. It was hard as hell losing him. Our hearts have mended some with the help of a new little guy. We rescued him shortly after shultzie died. I had not planned on getting another dog so soon but I just had to take in this guy and he has been great. He is a Parson Russell Terrier. Just a long legged Jack Russell. He is so lively and sweet. I just love him to death! So much fun! We named him Cooper. :) We are planning a trip to Colorado in July for Kev's grandpa's 90th birthday. It's pretty much gonna be a huge family reunion. Kev's stepmom and I have become even closer the past year. We now try to have a girl's night out once a week and then I go help over at their B&B on sundays which is fun anyway. We clean and then chill out with a beverage or 5 of choice! lol We have been on a kick of trying all kinds of different ethnic foods. Kev and his dad are a lot alike and are some what picky (more so Kev than his dad) so we take off and do these things together. We also have plans to do some things we have not done before so I am looking forward to a fun year! We all spent Christmas together at the B&B this year and it was fantastic! MIL and I refer to it as PC (Perfect Christmas). We have all these codes. So if I were to say, RETOSL, she would know what it means! Don't you wanna know?! lol Oh and American Idol is back on of course! Gotta love that! I'll leave you with some new pics, you know you wanna see! :D

Ohhhhhh I have to add that Kev got us tickets to see Billy joel in July...I am SO SO SO damn excited! :)

Halloween 2007


Me, I'm 30 yay! lol

Christmas card picture 2007

Mr. Hotty Totty Hubby Wubby! lol

Renee at 10:17 AM



at 11:50 AM Blogger Unknown said...

So glad to see you back and posting lol. I missed ya!!
I love that christmas picture of the kids so cute

at 12:27 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it's about time! I'm glad you are back and excited.


at 1:23 PM Blogger Michael said...

Its nice to catch up with what's going on with you and your family. The pictures are fabulous.

Take Care

at 3:27 PM Blogger Judy said...

Have missed seeing you around - good that you're back!

The kids look great - and don't be such a stranger, okay? :-)

at 7:19 PM Blogger Kurt said...

Idol is great this year. I want Ramiele to be more popular. I like Brooke and Chikezie and Jason. Syesha and David Archuleta can go. So can that poser David Cook.

at 9:10 PM Blogger Shelli said...

Gorgeous family!

Now post already LOL

at 9:31 PM Blogger Judy said...

Hey Renee! Just stopping by to say hello - hope the fam is doing well!


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