Totally stressed today! I need a drink in the worst of ways! I don't wanna go into it really but I was stressed about the situation at first but now am totally relieved and happy about the situation. Weird huh? lolAnyway I have been doing some cleaning and will try to do the rest tomorrow. Some guys from our church are coming over for "Men's movie night". So I am trying to get this place in shape. After I am done cleaning the house more tomorrow and making a grocery run I am taking the kids to dinner and maybe a movie. Something to get us out of the house so we can leave the guys alone. Sunday I am going over to the B&B to work after 1st service at church. I am looking forward to that. You laugh but I like to work over there and it's quiet!
Vacation was nice bu I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see. I think we are going back down at Thanksgiving. We haven't had a holiday with my family in a few years so I think we are gonna try to make that work.
Ok I still have a booming headache from this day. I am ready for a glass of wine and to go to bed! lol
Renee at 3:15 PM
- at 3:35 PM said...
Sounds like things worked out. What is it with women I know cleaning lately? Everyone is cleaning.