It's My Pad......



It's been one of those days! My girlfriends are now gone and got back to Tn safely. Brenden who is usually very good at school got a bad note sent home. My sciatic nerve has decided to start bugging me again and worst of anything my MIL's BIL is very sick with cancer and not going to make it much longer. It's just awful. He is such a sweet man and I HATE that this is happening to him. I just don't understand life sometimes. So if you have any positive thoughts/prayers to send him and everyone who loves him that would be great! Kevin took the kids out for a while. I needed the alone time so badley. I did enjoy my friends being here emensly though! We stayed on the go and I just enjoyed seeing them. Of course now it makes me miss them TONS! So I just wanted to check in. MIL is flying out tomorrow and I will be helping at their B&B. I've missed working there. I need to try to go over there more but with guests in the mornings I hate taking Claire there since she is so wild! I am sure people like to eat in peace!lol Claire naps around 12 and then she is up at 2:30 and off we go to get Brenden. Sometimes it feels like there is not enough hours in the day. Does anyone ever feel that way? Ok I am just totally rambling on.

PS- Kurt, I will post about AI soon! Are you watching this season?

Renee at 7:29 PM



at 8:18 PM Blogger Unknown said...

oh my when it rains it pours. Hopefully things will look up soon. Nice to see you posting again though have missed ya

at 8:51 PM Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

There are never enough hours in the day anymore!

at 8:52 PM Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Sorry to hear about all the not so nice things. Sorry Brendan is not behaving, your sciatic nerve is bugging you and really sorry to hear about your MIL's BIL that is just so sad!

at 9:14 PM Blogger Judy said...

I totally understand the whole not enough time thing - I suffer from that, too.

Hang in there - positive thoughts and prayers for peace for you, your MIL's BIL and all of your family.

at 10:58 AM Blogger Kurt said...

Absolutely! I have it on the TIVO, so I can fast forward through Ryan and Simon teasing each other, which so BORING.

The boys are terrible, except for a few. And I love the lady with no neck. She's so good.

I especially loved when Kelly Pickler came to visit and she had the worst hair ever, and her dress was so tight I thought she'd pop. I love Kelly, but man is she tacky.


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