It's My Pad......


Hello (Echo echo echo)

Hello out there. I am in a funk today. I will put the kids in bed a 7:30 and bust out the Merlot I have calling for me. Brenden came home today telling me no one plays with him at recess. Of course that breaks my heart. Why would anyone not want to play with such a nice kid?! I did email his teacher. I know she can't do much about it but I asked if he was being rude to the other kids or how he interacts with them. I did call one of the mom's that has a son in his class. He came to Brenden's b-day party. So I set up a playdate for them Sat. He will come over here to play. I figured maybe they can get to know each other better. Of course I set it up at the time I go to a baby shower!lol So Kev will be the one left here!! BWAHAHAHA!!! Kevin has meetings tonight and tomorrow. Wed I am going out to get a few things for Easter baskets etc. Thurs Kev has to teach so I may have this whole bottle of wine gone by Friday, ok prob by tonight! lol

Oh and how about we had 75 degree weather on Wed last week and on Friday we got about 6 inches of snow! Is that crazy or what? My uncle was buried Friday. My brother told me the visitation was from 6:30-8:30 and they didn't close the funeral home till after 11 since there were so many people. I am not shocked by that. He was a much loved man. Everyone in the little town I grew up in knew him. He was such a sweet man. One of those people you can never say anything bad about. Ok well I just feel blah so come tell me a joke or make me feel better....PLEASE!! :-)

Renee at 4:13 PM



at 7:16 PM Blogger Arlene said...

Alas, I have no jokes...
I'm sorry about your uncle :-(
Merlot will help you feel better, it helps everything ;-)

at 5:50 PM Blogger S. Dub said...

Minutes after a woman gave birth to her baby her doctor stood solemnly at her bedside and said "I have something I must tell you about your baby."

"What's wrong?" the alarmed mother asked.

"Your baby is a hermaphrodite."

"What's that?"

"It means your baby has both male and female parts."

"Oh, my goodness, that's wonderful!" the woman exclaimed. "You mean it has a penis and a brain? That doesn't happen often, does it?"
Here is a fun game:

MMMMMmmmmmmmmm....merlot... even better-- enjoy your merlot in a bubble bath! I am looking forward to getting my cast off so I can do just this! One more week!!!

at 7:19 PM Blogger Unknown said...

aw gosh I remember those days. it sucked so I hope your plan works and he gets in with someone to play with.

at 4:50 PM Blogger Kater said...

I hear ya on the Merlot!! Because of you I tried it and now I LOVE IT! Enjoy some "you" time!


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