It's My Pad......



1. Explain what ended your last relationship. The guy I dated was an jerk. I could go on and on!

2. When was the last time you shaved? Yesterday

3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Checking email I think

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? surfing some blogs

5. Are you any good at math? Hell no!Anything above algebra is above me!

6. Your prom night? I went with said jerk boyfriend. He was 23 and I was 18. He sat and ate all the free food while I danced with everyone but him because he wouldn't dance. Oh how I wish I had know Kevin back then! :-(

7. Do you have any famous ancestors?Not that I know of!

8. Have you had to take a loan out for school? Yes but it is paid off now and so is Kev's.

9. Last thing received in the mail? Just junk mail

10. How many different beverages have you had today? Coffee, milk and water

11. Do you ever leave messages on people’s answering machine? Sometimes and sometimes not

12. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? New Kids on the block! LOL

13. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?I don't think I did last time we went.

14. What’s the most painful dental procedure you’ve had? I guess having my wisdom teeth pulled. The procedure wasn't bad as I was under general anesthesia but the soreness afterwards was not pleasant!

15. What is out your back door? Our Deck

16. Any plans for Friday night? Not that I know of!

17. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?Ummmmmmmm huh?

18. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? Yes! Well actually it was a joke from an old friend. When I was in my teens I had smoked some pot with some friends and got the munchies. They had one of those tins and we ate almost the whole thing. LOL

19. Have you ever been to a planetarium? I think I did when I was in school

20. Do you re-use towels after you shower? I may use it one more time, I mean you are clean when you dry off right?! Besides, I hate doing laundry!

21. Some things you are excited about? Taking the kids out to TOT on tuesday and that our 8th anniversary is coming up on 11/07

22. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Peach! YUM!!!

23. Describe your keychain(s)? It's an Audi symbol

24. Where do you keep your change. In the change thing in my car or just in the change part of my wallet

25. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? Hmmmmmm not sure

26. What kind of winter coat do you own? Well I have a blue coat made for being out in the snow etc. I have a black leather jacket and a Gap khaki corduroy coat with wool inside. I love that warm sucker!

27. What was the weather like on your graduation day? I think it was nice out.....

28. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?Open unless well you figure it out!;)

Renee at 7:13 PM




Both of my kids are still sleeping! YAHOO!!! So here I sit in the quiet surfing the net and having some coffee. I just got Kev's lunch packed and sent him o his way to work. Tonight we will have leftover beef stroganoff. So yummy! I think it is suppose to be rainy today. At some point this weekend I want to go out and try to find a new coat for Brenden. The sleeves on last years coat are too short now. Well only when he lifts his arms etc but still. I have looked on ebay but with shipping etc I can get a brand new one at Old Navy or the mall.
Yesterday Brenden was out of school and he is today as well. We spent alot of time playing board games. It was like the old days when he wasn't in school. Made me miss him! At one point yesterday I was in the kitchen doing something and I heard WHACK! Brenden was swinging his yo-yo around by the string and clocked Claire right under her eye. It left a bump and a bruise. It got worse as the day wore on. I am expecting her to wake up with a black or blue eye. Brenden cried and apologized but the yo-yo is now on a shelve in my closet. It was an accident but he really shouldn't have been swinging the yo-yo in the house anyway! *sigh* Also the kids were thrilled that Kev's mom and stepdad sent them a box in the mail with all kinds of goodies. Claire's fav thing was the bear dressed as a pumpkin. She carried it around from 3 when the mail came till it was bath time at 7:30! So I am rambling away. I have to post a pic of Claire Bear!

PS- My hubby is a door to door salesperson's dream. He will buy ANYTHING! Last night he bought a magazine subscription. 18$(I think) for the mag, X$ in fees and 6 more dollars for another year. So all together I think it was 55$. I always say NO or don't answer the door. So today I told him to send in the slip for cancellation! ARGHHHHHHHH

*Yes, she is wearing Brenden's shoes and yes, her pj's are on backwards. It's the only way she will keep her clothes and diaper on when she goes to bed. If you look close you can see the eye that got whacked with the yo-yo*

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Renee at 8:07 AM




If you have never had a Honeycrisp apple you definitely need to try them. They are more on the pricey side but so worth the money! I had heard about these from some friends but never could find them. When we took my mom to the airport in Baltimore we saw a wegmans and wanted to stop. I really love that store! Anyway they had them and I only bought 2!!!! I wish I would have bought a few more! Anyway they are a must try!! Delicious!!!

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Renee at 9:15 AM


Here I am!!

My mom was here the past week while Kevin was in Fl. Man did we have fun! We always laugh so much when we are together! It was nice that Brenden was in school so we could go out everyday without a 5 yr old whining that he is bored!lol So anyway it was a good week. I did miss Kev pretty bad. I have slept SO much better just by having him home with me!

It is in the 30's here this morning! So cold! Thank god for garages and heated seats!lol I need to get some stuff down around the house today. Swiftering the floors and wiping down the bathrooms. I really feel like baking something. Just not sure what. This is what fall weather does to me! I did make a peach cobbler by request of my hubby yesterday. I am thinking pumpkin bread sounds good! I did not do well with going to the gym this past week. I am down 7 lbs though! YIPEE!!

Anyway here's a pic of the kids before I go....
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Renee at 9:15 AM



Rain, Rain go away!!

For some reason I can not get my pics loaded on to my computer. It's making me crazy! I need to have Kevin check that out!

It is so rainy here today. I am heading over to my inlaws at 10:30 this morning for a little while. Then I will get home and do some picking up etc. I did a major cleaning yesterday but I left a few things to be done today. My mom is coming in tomorrow to stay for the week. Kevin is leaving Sunday to go to Fl. He will be there till Thursday. He is going on a business trip. I'll miss him but it will be fun having my mom here. We have a few things planned so I think it will be busy but fun! Also tomorrow evening is our fall festival at church. That is sure to be a good time!

Anyways yesterday Brenden got a bad note sent home from school. I was so disappointed! Brenden and another child were arguing over blocks. Brenden said the other kid kept knocking down his towers and he got frustrated. Well after the kids put the blocks away the teacher wanted to talk to them but she said Brenden wouldn't say a word and just stared at her. He got his recess taken away. I was just so surprised since he has been doing so great. I guess we all have our off days huh? So of course we didn't go to the pumpkin patch last night as we had planned. I have a feeling he won't be coming home with a bad note today! He also woke up about 1 this morning saying his tummy hurt. He seemed fine this morning though. I hope it stays that way! Ok well that's enough from me! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!

Renee at 9:08 AM



So sad....

Yesterday's school shooting really has me torn up. It hits very close to home, literally. This morning when I dropped Brenden off at school there were 2 cop cars and cops sitting in the parking lot. I asked a teacher if everything was ok and they said they were just there for extra security. It was very unnerving and I just fell apart on the way home. Of course our public schools are MUCH MUCH different than an Amish School. The Amish school is a one room building with no electricity and no phone etc... They don't drive cars as well. They drive horse pulled buggies. That's the reason why this guy targeted them because they seemed an easy target. I feel so sick for the families of the children and well as the family of the shooter. I am sure they are stunned. Kevin and I didn't sleep well last night just thiking about those familes and girls. Lots of prayers are going out to them. :-(

Renee at 10:17 AM
