It's My Pad......



Both of my kids are still sleeping! YAHOO!!! So here I sit in the quiet surfing the net and having some coffee. I just got Kev's lunch packed and sent him o his way to work. Tonight we will have leftover beef stroganoff. So yummy! I think it is suppose to be rainy today. At some point this weekend I want to go out and try to find a new coat for Brenden. The sleeves on last years coat are too short now. Well only when he lifts his arms etc but still. I have looked on ebay but with shipping etc I can get a brand new one at Old Navy or the mall.
Yesterday Brenden was out of school and he is today as well. We spent alot of time playing board games. It was like the old days when he wasn't in school. Made me miss him! At one point yesterday I was in the kitchen doing something and I heard WHACK! Brenden was swinging his yo-yo around by the string and clocked Claire right under her eye. It left a bump and a bruise. It got worse as the day wore on. I am expecting her to wake up with a black or blue eye. Brenden cried and apologized but the yo-yo is now on a shelve in my closet. It was an accident but he really shouldn't have been swinging the yo-yo in the house anyway! *sigh* Also the kids were thrilled that Kev's mom and stepdad sent them a box in the mail with all kinds of goodies. Claire's fav thing was the bear dressed as a pumpkin. She carried it around from 3 when the mail came till it was bath time at 7:30! So I am rambling away. I have to post a pic of Claire Bear!

PS- My hubby is a door to door salesperson's dream. He will buy ANYTHING! Last night he bought a magazine subscription. 18$(I think) for the mag, X$ in fees and 6 more dollars for another year. So all together I think it was 55$. I always say NO or don't answer the door. So today I told him to send in the slip for cancellation! ARGHHHHHHHH

*Yes, she is wearing Brenden's shoes and yes, her pj's are on backwards. It's the only way she will keep her clothes and diaper on when she goes to bed. If you look close you can see the eye that got whacked with the yo-yo*

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Renee at 8:07 AM



at 10:24 AM Blogger Kurt said...

Poor defenseless Claire!

at 2:08 PM Blogger Judy said...

Aw, poor thing, but I'm sure the pumpkin bear made it better!

at 3:23 PM Blogger gina said...

those children you have look like twins!!!

poor baby girl.


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