It's My Pad......


Last night was parent/teacher conference. It went very well. We were told that Brenden is advanced and will be going to a "special" reading group in starting in Dec. He also will be getting a little different homework because what he does now does not challenge him enough. They said he is very smart and can't get over how logical he can be. She says alot of times when they ask a question about a story or something he is the only to raise his hand and then usually has some big huge grown up answer to give. It's so true of him. He can act so grown sometimes and then be a little 5 yr old turd head! lol So behavior wise he is doing well. He does get in trouble for minor "5 yr old" things but all in all he is doing great. She says he has a tendancy to talk alot. I have NO idea where he got that from!! *cough*lol His teachers are so nice which also helped me not be so nervous. Now Kevin, he is never nervous. We watched the Charlie Brown cartoons last night and then Kevin and I watched heroes at 9. That is a damn good show. Then Kev and I were up till about 12:30 and I still got up at 7:30. I must have a short circuit! Anyway I have went on enough. Hope everyone has a great tuesday! It is cold here so I see hanging out here at home in my future!

Renee at 8:49 AM



at 8:21 AM Blogger gina said...

where are you????

at 11:29 AM Blogger Christi said...

Go Brendan!


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