It's My Pad......


Our bedroom!

Kevin painted and moved our furniture around on Saturday. I still need o get tie backs for the curtains as I don't like them just hanging like that. The color of the room is "Oak Cask". It's a butternut squash yellow. It's hard to tell in pics though. It always makes the color look a little different. Also the bedding is more maroon than red. Kev still need to run the cable under the carpet too so if you see the cable on the floor ignore it!lol Anyway I LOVE the room and I don't think the pic's do it justice. So here ya go!

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This is what is hanging over the bed. I saw it when we were out once and loved it. Well Kev surprised me with it last week. I just love him! :-)

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Renee at 7:13 PM



It's COLD!

Kev and I woke up at 7 this morning and it's 8 degrees with a wind chill of -3. We have maybe an inch of snow on the ground. Brenden is off today anyway but all the other school districts have 2 hr delay. I am just glad I can stay inside my cozy home! I am going to try to talk Kev into going to Lowes with me after work to pick out paint for our bedroom. Then maybe he will paint tomorrow. We have to teach at church on sunday and when that is over Kev is going to a car show. My back is feeling some better now. If I don't take my meds it starts hurting more. I just watch how I move and I try not to pick Clare up much. I am so over it! lol That's really about it around here. Glad you read aren't you?! lol

Have a great weekend!!

Renee at 7:40 AM




Well I went to the doc and saw "the new guy". I didn't care much for him. I don't think he smiled till I was leaving. Wait, maybe that should tell me something?!lol I just love our other doc. He is very friendly and jokes around etc. Anyway I was told I pinched a nerve or something and that it will just have to heal with time. he gave me inflamation and pain meds. Just told me to take it easy. So hopefully it won't last FOREVER! I think I will schedule a massage soon and see if that helps much. Anyway pain or not Kev and I have date night tomorrow. We are going to try out a "lost cajun kitchen" place here. I am excited about getting out.

Oh and is anyone as obsessed with "The Office" like I am? I only started watching it in the middle os season 2 so I had to watch season 1 and part of season 2 so I could catch up. It never fails to have me laughing out loud! It gets me excited for Thursdays! (That's what she said! LOL) Anyway if you wanna check it out or missed any episodes check out

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Renee at 11:19 AM




I think I have done something to my Sciatic Nerve. I have this shooting pain from the top of my bootie that shoots down my leg. It hurts like a muther! It has been off and on the past week but yesterday I was at a steady limp and when I tried to walk it just had me on the brink of cussing people out! LOL I laid in bed all evening yesterday. I am not sure my doc is open today. I am calling as soon as they are supposed to open and see if I can get in this afternoon. Brenden is out of school today. Kev did have to go to work though. So anyway have any of my readers had to deal with this? I don't remember doing anything that would make this happen but who knows? Ok I need to hoble to the kitchen to get B some breakfast!

Renee at 8:11 AM



I got glasses....

well I got them about 2-3 weeks ago. I never had eye probs till a few months ago. I was having a hard time seeing things a little far away. So I found out I am nearsighted. Big Whoop!

Can I tell you all that my kids are making me Freaking crazy today. Kevin is helping a friend out tonight and I may help myself out to some wine in about 30 secs.........

Anyway the new glasses............

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Renee at 7:12 PM



Party time!

Well we had Brenden's birthday bowling party on Saturday. Yes his b-day was Dec 19 but getting aprty together at Christmas was gonna be too crazy for me!lol Everything went well and the kids were all well behaved. We had 7 kids and 6 adults. It was nice since everything was supplied and I had to do nothing but send out invites and make goodie bags. Brenden was just thrilled. So that kept us busy on Sat. Yesterday we had church since we are teaching in the 4&5's this month. They were pretty good too. We got home and then Kevin left to help a friend with a car so he was gone all afternoon. That's about our weekend in a nutshell. I know I sure slept well last night!:-) Ok on to a few pics...

Let me add that it was like 67 degrees on Sat. I wore capris and sandals! Good times!lol

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She managed to pull out the pigtails by the time we got to the bowling alley!
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Renee at 9:37 AM
