Happy Hump day!!
The week is almost over! I went to the gym at 6:30 this morning. I only did my cardio stuff for 30 mins. My legs are still sore from yesterday so I had to push to get it done!lol Tomorrow I will just do some strength training. I also decided to have no more soda atleast for a while, so I haven't had any in a couple weeks now. Later today I think I will take the kids to Target to get Brenden's school supplies and we will probably hit the park as well. Saturday Kevin has a training class so he'll be gone from 7 to 5 or so. Sucks for a saturday! Sunday we have nursery at church during the 2nd service. Some friends of ours are having their baby dedicated that day so we will stay after church for a luncheon. I need to vaccum and mop the kitchen and living room at some point today.Ok as for BB7, Will is totally playing Janie and vice versa but as long as she stays longer I don't care!lol I really think Chill town will be F2. I am just hoping Janie can make it to F3 with them!:)
That being said....
Is he the whinest baby ever or what?! SHEESH!!!
Renee at 8:06 AM
- at 4:16 PM said...
Hump day HUH !!!!
Sounds good to me I'll be home soon. Love You, Kevin- at 11:23 PM Elizabeth said...
Ok, the hubs comment made me laugh.
I think a trip to the big red bullseye is in order for me too. :)- at 10:34 AM Kurt said...
What does this have to do with AI?
- at 10:17 AM k8 said...
i thought of you yesterday when bo bice was on regis! xok8
- at 9:02 AM MilkMaid said...
Good for you on the gym scene! Soda will taste kinda thick and nasty after you go without for a while. Then you'll have to force yourself back into the habit LOL!