It's My Pad......



Can it really be friday again already?!!

Yesterday I had one of those days! Maybe it is just me being a hormonal woman but BLAH! The kids were making me nuts. this doesn't happen often but all they wanted to do were fight with each other and not share and SCREAM!I got some housework done yesterday and I mopped the kitchen etc and Claire decides to throw her applesauce on the floor. I was not a happy mama! Kevin got home from work and he took the kids out for a while. I needed the "me" time badley!

I went over to the gym and joined! I am so excited about that. They open really early so I think I will try to go at 6 in the mornings and be home before Kev goes to work and still have plenty of time to get Brenden up and ready for school!
So anyway I called my friend Karen after I went to join the gym and we went to Target. I wanted to get new workout clothes. We also made a stop at Starbucks. It was just what I needed to help me relax from my day. I feel much better today. I think I will go to the gym tonight when Kev gets off work just to get on the treadmill and feel the place up so to speak. Not really much else going on today!:)

Renee at 11:51 AM



at 11:00 AM Blogger Judy said...

Cool for you joining a gym! I so need to do that!

at 10:28 PM Blogger Elizabeth said...

Good for you on joining the gym. Let us know how it goes, girl.

at 1:28 AM Blogger Kurt said...

What is 6 in the morning like?


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